Bewertungen von Gästen für The 3 Millstones Inn

  • Preis-Leistung: 2,0
  • Zimmer: 6,0
  • Komfort: 4,0
  • Freundlichkeit: 2,0
  • Sauberkeit: 8,0
  • Serviceangebot: 2,0
  • Frühstück: 8,0

1 ausführliche Bewertung:

Anonym (39-49)
verreist als: Geschäftsreisende(r)
Reisedatum: 2021-07

Nice rooms with easy access to outdoor seating. Clean, nicely lit and good wifi. Proper coffee bags to make your own coffee... and theres a reason...

Restaurant closed Monday and Tuesday. Breakfast only served between 0800 and 0930. Not great for business traveller seeking convenience. One unhelpful, unfriendly man. An attitude of well, all the information is on the website so its your problem. Requested £100 per night upfront payment when I hadnt seen the room and wasnt able to get food where I was staying. Left cold breakfast in my room after Id left for the day then asked for it back when I returned to the hotel from work.

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